Healthcare institutions are uniting to strengthen the healthcare system
On September 7, the presentation of the Healthcare Association was held in the amphitheater of the Stamba hotel.
The Healthcare Association is a membership-based association of medical institutions which was founded at the initiative of medical institutions united around the shared idea. Any inpatient and outpatient medical institution can join the association.
13 medical institutions / holdings have already joined the Healthcare Association, which, with 80 hospitals and 35 outpatient services, covers almost the entire territory of Georgia and unites 8000 beds and 22 000 employees.
Representatives of the participating institutions will share their experience, knowledge and vision to jointly address the country's acute problems, prepare recommendations for long-term health strategy planning, facilitate legislative changes and thus reduce gaps that hinder the development and improvement of the health care system.
The Healthcare Association will mainly work on health policy issues such as healthcare financing, tariff policy, number of available places at inpatient facilities, number of medical staff and their redistribution, quality of service, creating the medical error identification and response mechanisms, protection of patients' rights, effective functioning of healthcare institutions during the pandemic. etc.
The Healthcare Association will voice the vision of its member organizations and act as a mediator between the healthcare institutions, the public and the state.
Organizations will be able to join the association at any time and enjoy equal voting rights.
The Association started with thirteen founding members and strong support from healthcare field specialists attending the presentation